Say Goodbye to the Butt Dial
CrackBerrys, I mean BlackBerrys are everywhere. All with good reason. Smartphones are the way to go. You can get your e-mail anytime, all the time. You have access to a GPS system 24/7. When they call them smartphones, they mean it.
BlackBerry leads in smartphone technology and has continued to outdo themselves with each phone they put on the market. The BlackBerry Storm, released earlier this year, is BlackBerry’s first touch screen phone. Sure, they’re really cool but the problem remained: butt dialing or, for the ladies, purse dialing. There’s nothing like getting a call from a friend of colleague just to hear them living their life. It’s quite irritating.
So, let’s give a round of applause to BlackBerry for finally figuring out to do a flip cell phone. Thank you! According to the Press Release, Alltel Wireless is releasing the BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8230 in early May. Hopefully we’ll see a reduction in butt and purse dialing.
andrea @ May 2, 2009